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Karen O’Laughlin

Karen O’Laughlin, CRNA, MSN

Founder of Glow Aesthetics

Karen is a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) with over 15 years in healthcare and an aesthetic injector specializing in non-surgical facial rejuvenation. She has learned and trained from some of the best injectors as a graduate of Beautiphi training academy for advanced practitioners, in addition to having several one-on-one trainings with some of the best in the region. Her passion to continue to learn new therapies and new techniques speaks for itself, especially since things are continually changing in the aesthetic world.

Karen has always had an interest in skin care and collagen, which led her down the path to aesthetics. Her existing knowledge base of anatomy and physiology, coupled with hands on experience caring for patients in healthcare, makes her an excellent injector that is able to provide you with safe and high-quality aesthetic procedures. She is very passionate about patient education and safety, and believes there is a general lack of education in aesthetics and wants to change this trend.

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