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As we age, our skin loses volume, leading to a tired and sunken appearance. At Glow Aesthetics, we specialize in dermal fillers to restore volume and rejuvenate your face. Our signature Cheek + Under Eye treatment is a patient favorite, effectively reducing the appearance of tired eyes and enhancing your mid-face and cheeks. Dermal fillers work by replenishing lost volume, smoothing wrinkles, and providing a more youthful contour.

Our expert providers use advanced techniques to ensure natural-looking results that complement your facial features. During your consultation, we will discuss your aesthetic goals and develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs. The procedure is minimally invasive, with results that can last from several months to over a year, depending on the type of filler used.

Residents of Summerfield, Stokesdale, and Winston Salem, NC, can trust our expertise in providing customized filler treatments for a refreshed and youthful look. At Glow Aesthetics, we believe in enhancing your natural beauty and helping you feel confident in your appearance. Discover the transformative effects of dermal fillers and achieve a revitalized, youthful look with our expert care.

Book an Appointment With Glow Aesthetics Today